The company «LAMDA Development S.A.» (hereinafter: «LAMDA» or «Company» or «Issuer») announces that as of 26.11.2019 it makes available to investors, the Prospectus, as approved by the meeting of board of directors of the Capital Markets Commission dated 25.11.2019, which was drafted pursuant to the Regulation (EC) 2017/1129 and the delegated Regulations (EU) 2019/979 and 2019/980 and law 3401/2005, to the extent applicable after the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, as in force, in relation to the public offer of 97,014,940.00 new common, registered, dematerialized with voting right shares of the Company, with face value of 0.30 Euros per share (hereinafter: «New Shares» ), which will be issued in the context of the Share Capital Increase of the Company, payable in cash with pre-emptive rights in favour of the old shareholders in proportion of 1,216918965991410 new common registered shares for every one (1) old common registered share, in accordance with the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 10.10.2019, combined with the resolution of the Board of Directors of 21.11.2019 (hereinafter: “Share Capital Increase”). The New Shares will be admitted to trading in the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange (hereinafter: ATHEX).

Information regarding the procedure for the exercise of pre-emptive rights and subscription rights by the investors is provided for in the section 4.4. of the Prospectus «procedure for the exercise of pre-emptive rights and subscription rights». 

The indicative timetable for the commencement of the trading of the New Shares resulting from the Share Capital Increase reads as follows:


Publication of the Prospectus. PublicationonthewebsiteoftheIssuer, theHellenicCapitalMarketCommission, theATHEX, theIssuance Advisors and the Joint Coordinators / UnderwritersTuesday26 November 2019
Publication of announcement of the availability of the Prospectus on the ATHEX Daily Statistical Bulletin and the website of the CompanyTuesday26 November2019
Last day of trading of the Company’s shareswith pre-emptiverightTuesday 26 November 2019
Ex-date (cut-off of pre-emptive rights) – Price adjustmentWednesday27 November 2019
Date of determining the beneficiaries in the Increase – Record DateThursday 28 November 2019
Credit by ATHEX CSD of the pre-emptive rights in the Beneficiaries’ Accounts in the DSSFriday29 November2019
Commencementofthetradingandexerciseperiodofpre-emptiverightsandsubscriptionrightsMonday 2 December 2019
Expiration of the trading of pre-emptive rightsWednesday11 December 2019
Expiration of the of exercise period of pre-emptive rightsMonday 16 December2019
Publication ofAnnouncementonthecoverageoftheShareCapitalIncreaseasaresultoftheexerciseofpre-emptiverightsandsubscriptionrights on the ATHEX Daily Statistical Bulletin, the website of ATHEX andthewebsiteoftheCompanyTuesday17 December 2019
Private Placement of any Ramp SharesTuesday 17 December 2019
Certification of the payment of the SCI by the Company’s Board of DirectorsFriday20 December 2019
Publication ofAnnouncementonthefinal amount oftheShareCapitalIncreaseand the placement of Rump Shares on the ATHEX Daily Statistical Bulletin, the website of ATHEX andthewebsiteoftheCompanyFriday 20 December 2019
Approval by ATHEX of the admission to trading of the New Shares**Monday 23 December 2019
Publication of the Announcement on the commencement of trading of the New Shares on the ATHEXDaily Statistical Bulletin, the website of ATHEX and thewebsiteoftheCompanyMonday 23 December 2019
Commencement of trading of the New SharesMonday30 December 2019

* It is subject to the convening of the ATHEX Stock Exchange Markets Managing Committee on that date.

The timetable is dependent upon a number of unforeseeable factors and is, therefore, subject to change. In such an event the Company will make a relevant announcement to the investors.

The Prospectus, as approved by the board of directors of the Capital Markets Commission on 25.11.2019, is available in an electronic form on the website of:

•            the «Hellenic Exchanges - Athens Exchange»

•            the Hellenic Capital Markers Commission

•            the Companyενημέρωση-επενδυτών/Έγγραφα-Αύξησης-Μετοχικού-Κεφαλαίου

•            «Eurobank Ergasias S.A.»

•            «Piraeus Bank S.A.»

•            «AXIA Ventures Group Ltd»

Moreover, the Prospectus if so requested shall be available to investors in hardcopy, free of charge, at the Company's offices (Leoforos Kifisias 37A, 151 23 Maroussi) as well as at the network and offices of the Joint Coordinators Underwriters Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (Filellinon 10, 10557 Athens), Piraeus Bank S.A. (Amerikis 4, 105 64 Athens) and AXIA Ventures Group Ltd (Greek Branch, Vassilisis Sofias 4, 106 74 Athens), throughout the term of the exercise of the Pre-emptive Rights.

For any further clarifications or information the shareholders may contact the Shareholder Information Company Department (phone number 210 7450600) or the Directorate Information Services of Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (phone number 210 3522400).

Marousi, 26 November2019

LAMDA Development S.A.