Announcement of regulated information according to Law 3556/2007
Maroussi, 27 February 2025
LAMDA DEVELOPMENT S.A. (the “Company”), in accordance with the provisions of L. 3556/2007 Regulation (EU) 596/2014, and the Athens Exchange Regulation, announces the following:
I. Based on the notification submitted by Voxcove Holdings Ltd on 25.02.2025, in accordance with Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014, a legal entity closely associated with Mr. Vasileios Katsos, a non-executive member of the Company's Board of Directors, Voxcove Holdings Ltd, sold 5,766,100 common registered shares of the Company on 24.02.2025, at an average price of €6.8 per share and for a total consideration of €39,211,699.
II. Based on the notifications of changes of significant holdings according to L. 3556/2007 submitted to the Company on 25.02.2025 by (a) the legal entity Rackham Trust Company S.A., and (b) the natural persons Eleni Katsou and Vasileios Katsos, the direct participation of Voxcove Holdings Ltd in the Company reduced from 12.83% to 6.74% of the total number of shares and voting rights of the Company on 24.02.2025.
a) The legal entity Rackham Trust Company S.A., in its capacity as trustee of the Folloe Trust, indirectly controls, through Olympia Group Ltd, and jointly with VNK Capital Ltd, the aforementioned direct shareholder of the Company, Voxcove Holdings Limited.
b) The natural persons Eleni Katsou and Vasileios Katsos, as shareholders of VNK Capital Ltd, indirectly and jointly with the legal entity Olympia Group Ltd, control the aforementioned direct shareholder of the Company, Voxcove Holdings Limited.
VNK Capital Ltd and Olympia Group Ltd each hold 50% of the issued share capital of Voxcove Holdings Limited.
It is noted that prior to the transaction, Voxcove Holdings Limited held 10.005% of the share capital of the Company.