Annual Presentation for the financial performance of fiscal year 2005 to the community of analysts and institutional investors

The annual presentation to the community of analysts and institutional investors regarding the Company’s financial results of fiscal year 2005 took place on 5/4/2006 at the Former Trading Floor of the Athens Exchange. LAMDA Development’s management presented all pertinent information regarding the financial results and performance for 2005 and the company’s positive outlook and strategy for the coming years which was also stated at the press release which was issued on 20/3/2006.

Furthermore, the company’s management made the following announcements:

LAMDA Development is in the final stages of selling ARGONAFTIS SA, subsidiary of LAMDA Shipyards SA, to a group of Greek entrepreneurs of the sector.

LAMDA Development also expects to receive an additional consideration of a minimum amount of € 4,5 million, in accordance with the previously signed sale agreement with EFG Eurobank Ergasias regarding the sale of common shares in Eurobank Properties REIC.

Discussions regarding the materialization of the investment by LAMDA Akinita, for the development of subject property, in which LAMDA Development participates with 50%, are in a very advanced stage with a major Greek company.

Finally, LAMDA Development is investigating opportunities to set up an investment fund, with sole purpose to invest in the real estate sector in Central and Eastern Europe. Apart from LAMDA Development, other third party investors are to participate in such fund, while management will be undertaken by LAMDA Development

The presentation has been posted on the company’s web site (